Setting up out-of-the-box app tiles on dashboards

Table of Contents

Note: The following tiles are all pre-built and out-of-the-box. For instructions on creating custom app tiles, check out this article.


App tiles allow you to integrate some of your org's most commonly used applications right on the home or site dashboard of your Simpplr intranet. Simpplr offers a number of pre-built app tiles, including:

Simpplr also allows you to create custom app tiles.

This feature is currently available to non-EU customers, and will be available to EU customers in an upcoming release.

Use cases for app tiles

Application Use case


Allow users to:

  • View recent, applicable JIRA tickets in the intranet tile

Allow users to:

  • Show the same tabular Salesforce report to all users or allow users to view their own reports in the intranet tile

Display on the intranet tile your personal:

  • Applicable Workday inbox
  • Time-off balances
  • Recent paystubs
  • Assigned courses
  • Workday job postings

Users can also submit PTO requests directly from the tile


Allow users to connect their ServiceNow accounts to view their recently updated tickets in the intranet tile, as well as create new tickets directly from the intranet tile


Allow users to:

  • Display time-off balances
  • Apply for time off

Allow users to:

  • Display time-off balances and recent paystubs
  • Apply for time off
  • Display shift schedule
Calendar (Google and Outlook)

Allow users to connect their Google/Outlook Calendar accounts to view upcoming events from their primary calendars in the intranet tile

SAP SuccessFactors

Allow users to:

  • Display time-off balances
  • Display team goals
  • Display recently updated tasks
  • Display Zendesk tickets based on a search query
  • Display unassigned Zendesk tickets
  • Display recently submitted Zendesk tickets
  • Display open Zendesk tickets assigned to you

Allow users to:

  • Display tasks



When connecting at the user level, Simpplr will not override permissions from any of these applications. In other words, no user will see items they do not have access to. If an intranet user does not use these applications as part of their workflow, they will only see the shell of the tile on the home dashboard, but it will not be populated with any information. If the home dashboard is user controlled, the user can remove any of these tiles if they're not relevant.

However, if an App admin user connects an app tile on the home dashboard of Simpplr, they can choose to show certain data that a user would otherwise not have access to in the app. For example, if showing a Salesforce report, the App admin can choose to override the users' permissions in Salesforce in order to display the data here.

End users will have the option to personalize content on the tile depending on the configuration settings chosen by the tile author at the time of tile creation.

Permissions around App tiles

Only App managers and those with permissions will be able to add new app tiles. End users will never have the option to add a new app tile to their dashboards, regardless of dashboard configuration.

Depending on the home dashboard configuration, either the App manager will be the only one who can edit tiles, or any end user can edit their own tiles (if already created by the App manager). With each App tile, App managers can choose to make individual tile settings App manager defined or User defined

If the tile itself is App manager defined, there will be an option to make the tile "user editable." If that "user editable" option is selected, users can edit the title of the tile, but not the tile type or data within it. If the tile is set to User defined, the user will be able to edit the data shown within the tile, even if the dashboard is App manager controlled.

  App Manager Defined User Defined
App Manager
  • Can create the tile
  • Set all the preferences
  • Can choose the preferences to be user editable
  • Can update the tile and all the manager-defined preferences gets pushed to all users
  • Remove tile for all users
  • Can create the tile
  • Set all the preferences
  • Can choose the preferences to be user editable
  • Can update only their tile title and preferences (which will only appy to them, hence will not have any option to switch from user-defined to manager-defined, or change user editable)
  • Remove tile only for themselves
End User
  • Can update only the preferences marked as 'editable'
  • Can update only their tile title and preferences (marked as editable)
  • Remove tile only for themselves
    Home Default use-cases
  • Add Tile - any new user that comes will see the tiles added to home default including app tiles
  • Edit Tile - any new user that comes will see the updated tiles but previous users will have the earlier settings (ultimately behind the scene it can be remove the tile and add a new tile)
  • Overwrite the dashboard for all users (all tiles) - all the tiles added in home dashboard will be overwritten for all users with the tiles in the home default
From To
User-defined Author Defined (user-editable)
Author-defined (user-editable) - Value1 Author-defined (user-editable) Value 2
Author-defined (non-editable) Author-defined (user-editable)
Author-defined (non-editable) User Defined
Author-defined (user-editable) User Defined
User-defined Author-defined (non-editable)
Author-defined (user-editable) Author-defined (non-editable)
  As a general rule if preference is
  Author Defined (user-editable)
  User Defined
  Author-defined (non-editable)


To get started with prebuilt applications, as the admin user or one with applicable permissions:

  1. Go to Manage > Application > Integrations > Custom apps > Add new app > Add prebuilt app.
    better prebuilt app setup .png

Salesforce CRM tile

With the Salesforce CRM App tile integration, Site owners/managers will be able to integrate the existing tabular Salesforce reports on the home and site dashboards.

Salesforce App tile 4.png

Before setting up the Salesforce integration, ensure you have the following:

    • Salesforce admin access: You must have admin access to the Salesforce account from which you wish to fetch the tabular reports.
    • Reports: You must have access to Reports in Salesforce, and the reports should be in tabular format.
    • Security Information: When connecting to Salesforce CRM for the first time, Simpplr will request some OAuth permissions for the integration to work. The following table provides definitions of exactly what's being requested from Simpplr.



      Manage user data via APIs

      Allows access to the current, logged-in user’s account using APIs, such as REST API and Bulk API 2.0

      Access unique user identifiers

      Allows access to the current, logged-in user’s unique identifier for OpenID Connect apps

      Perform requests at any time (refresh_token)

      Allows a refresh token to be returned when the requesting client is eligible to receive one. With a refresh token, the app can interact with the user’s data while the user is offline. This token is synonymous with requesting offline_access

Setting up the Salesforce integration

To connect Salesforce at the Simpplr application level:

    1. As the Simpplr App manager, navigate to Manage > Application > Integrations > CRM.
    2. Choose Salesforce and click Connect account. You'll be redirected to Salesforce, where you need to approve the requirements from Simpplr.
      Salesforce App tile 1.png

Create the Salesforce App tile

Once the connection with Salesforce is set up, you can add a tile to view tabular reports.

    1. From the Simpplr dashboard edit screen, choose App tile, then Salesforce.
      Salesforce App tile 2.png
    2. Select Display tabular report as the Tile type, and name the tile appropriately.

    3. To create a user-defined tabular report tile:

      1. Select the user-defined option while creating the tile.

      2. Once created you will see the Set up tile button as shown below.
        Salesforce app tile 3.png

      3. Enter the correct Report ID from Salesforce to finish setting up the tile. 
    4. To create an App manager-defined tabular report tile:

      1. Select the App manager-defined option while creating the tile.

      2. Enter the correct Report ID from Salesforce.
      3. You can configure the tile user-editable by enabling the option to make user-editable.

How to fetch a Report ID from Salesforce

To create a report in Salesforce navigate to Salesforce Reports Builder Editing.

To get the report ID from Salesforce:

    1. Go to the Reports section in Salesforce.
    2. Click on any report.
    3. The URL in the browser's address bar will contain both the Salesforce instance and the Report ID.
    4. Copy the Report ID from the URL.
    5. Paste the copied Report ID into the tile configuration.

Only Salesforce tabular reports are supported currently. If you enter a report ID that doesn't exist or if you don't have access to that report, you will see "Something went wrong" on the tile itself.

Workday tile

With the Workday App tile, you can:

  • Display open jobs from your ATS
  • Display messages from your Workday inbox
  • Display time-off balance on a Simpplr intranet tile
  • Apply for PTO
  • View paystubs
  • View any assigned courses in Workday

Before setting up the Workday integration, ensure you have the following details:

  • Workday admin access: You must have admin access to the Workday account from which you wish to list jobs and inbox
  • Workday Username (Integration system user name)
  • Workday Password (Integration system password)
  • Workday Endpoint URL: This is the user syncing url and can be found in the location of your Workday JSON report. You must find this by navigating to your JSON report that contains your user list within Workday. Copy and paste that JSON endpoint URL into the box in Simpplr. Only Admins of Workday can perform this.
  • Workday WSDL URL
  • Workday Tenant ID

Check out this Microsoft help article for full instructions on:

  • Creating an Integrations System User (ISU) in Workday
  • Creating integrations security group in Workday
  • Configuring domain security policy permissionsConfiguring business process security policy permissions
  • Activating security policy changes


If Workday is not being used as a syncing source for people data, then the Simpplr syncing field for Employee number (which is the same as the Workday employee number) for all users should be synced separately via some other syncing process.

If this is your first time setting up Workday in Simpplr: 

    1. As the Simpplr App manager, go to Manage > Application > Integrations > People data.
    2. Select Workday and enter the required information gathered in the above section.
      Workday app tile 1.png

If your org is already connected to Workday for user syncing: 

    1. From the Manage > Application > Integrations > People data menu, you'll see additional options required to fill out. Click Additional details (optional).
      Workday app tiles 1.gif
    2. This is where you'll enter the Workday WSDL URL and Workday Tenant Id.
      Workday App tiles 3.png

Create Workday App tile

    1. When adding a new tile to the dashboard, choose App tile, then select Workday.
    2. Here you can create a new job postings tile, display your time-off balance, or display your inbox. We'll start by creating a job postings tile.
      Workday app tiles 4.png
    3. Give your tile a title and choose Add to home. The relevant job postings you have access to will display.
      Workday app tiles 5.png
    4. To set up an inbox tile, choose Display inbox. Title the tile accordingly, and choose the settings you'd like to use. A user defined inbox will allow each Simpplr user to define which inbox they want to see. An App manager defined inbox will display the inbox that you (the App manager) chooses.
      Workday app tiles 6.png

Note: For the inbox tile to show data, the Workday employee number must be synced to the Simpplr.

    1. Go to Manage > Application > Integrations > People data > Workday
    2. Enter the Workday username and password
    3. And for workday endpoint use this report url [PLACEHOLDER]
    4. You can update data using 
    5. Now go to Manage > Application > People > Provision and sync users
    6. Select Workday as the syncing source
    7. Select all the fields you want to sync (Employee number in our case)
    8. Now go to Manage > Application > Setup > Schedulers > Run sync
    9. Once the data is synced, a new profile data field will appear for Employee number
      Workday app tiles 7.png

Display time-off balance with Workday

This tile allows end users to view their time-off balances directly on the dashboard.

When enabled, the tile displays:

    • Leave category (e.g., Time Off or Leave of Absence)
    • Leave type
    • Remaining leave
  • This is the third option for Workday, alongside the existing view "Inbox" and "Job Posting" app tiles.

Additional setup requirements

  • WSDL URL and Tenant ID
  • API Client Setup (see the Workday Integration setup doc here ):
    • Users must create an API client to obtain the Client ID, Client Secret, and Refresh Token. Refer to the image below for detailed setup information.

Apply for PTO in Workday

  • Allows users to submit PTO requests directly from the intranet tile to Workday
  • Displays:
    • Time off category selection
    • Start & end date-pickers
    • Comments field

  • Disclaimers
    • Users can apply for a maximum date range of 30 days in a single request
    • Only time-off leaves are supported
    • By default, Saturday and Sunday are assumed to be weekly off (can be edited by clicking Edit amount)

Prerequisites & additional setup

  • API Client Setup:
    • Users must create an API client to obtain the Client ID, Client Secret, and Refresh Token. Refer to the image below for detailed setup information
  • The configured ISU user must have the following permissions:
    Reports: Worker Data: Public Worker Reports, Worker Data: Leave of Absence, Set Up: Time Off (Calculations - Absence Specific), Set Up: Leave of Absence, Worker Data: Time Off (Time Off), Worker Data: Time Off


Display assigned Workday courses

  • Allows end users to view their assigned LMS courses from Workday
  • Displays:
    • Course name
    • Skill level
    • Number of lessons in the course
    • Course registration date

Prerequisites & additional setup

    • Username, password, WSDL URL, and Tenant ID are prerequisites and must be added in Manage > Application > Integration > People data.

    • The configured username must have the following permissions:
      Reports: Learning Record, Manage: Learning Content, and Set Up: Learning Catalog.

Display list of Workday paystubs 

  • Provides a view of recent paystubs from Workday
  • Displays:
    • Pay period
    • Net pay amount
    • Taxes
    • Deductions

Prerequisites & additional setup

    • Username, password, WSDL URL, and Tenant ID are prerequisites and must be added in Manage > Application > Integrations > People data.
    • Employee number/ID should already be synced to Simpplr.
    • The configured username must have the following permissions:
      Reports for Pay Calculation Results (Audits, Payslips, and Results) and Worker Data for Payroll (Limit Overrides, Payment Elections, Payroll Input, and Payslips).
    • Tile author (creator) must provide the workday pay slip URL to view the full list of pay slips in Workday

JIRA tile

With the JIRA app tile, we can conveniently fetch assigned tickets directly from your JIRA instance specific to the logged-in intranet user. Clicking on any of these tickets will take the user directly to the ticket in JIRA.
JIRA App tiles.jpg

To add a tile:

    1. From the App tile option, choose JIRA.
    2. Within this modal, choose View assigned tickets from the Tile type dropdown and provide an appropriate tile title.
    3. Configure settings: Choose between different configurations from the settings section for different parameters as per the requirements and proceed with Add to home.
      JIRA App tiles 3.png

Depending on this configuration, users will be able to customize how they want their tickets to display, both by type and priority.
JIRA tile personalize.gif

Before setting up the JIRA integration, ensure you have the following:

    1. JIRA admin access: You must have admin access to the JIRA account from which you wish to fetch assigned tickets.
    2. JIRA username: Obtain the username associated with the JIRA account. You will need this when setting up the integration in Simpplr.
    3. JIRA token: Generate an API token from your JIRA account. This token will serve as the password for authentication purposes. To create a token, navigate to and choose to create a new token and provide an appropriate label for reference. You will need this when setting up the integration in Simpplr.
    4. JIRA URL: Determine the URL of your JIRA instance. You will need this when setting up the integration in Simpplr.

Note that in order for a successful connection, the user's accurate email address is required. Every user using the JIRA tile should have an email associated with their account in the Simpplr platform for it to function correctly.

Connection verification is also required. The verification of the connection setup at the app level happens only when a corresponding JIRA tile is rendered. If the connection is incorrectly set, then users will see a `Something went wrong` on the tile itself.
JIRA App tile error.png

Setting up your org's JIRA Integration

To integrate JIRA with the intranet:

    1. In Simpplr, as the App manager, navigate to the Manage > Application > Integrations > Support & Ticketing.
    2. Click the checkbox next to Atlassian JIRA.
    3. Provide the following details:
      • Username: Enter the JIRA username associated with the admin account

      • API Token: Input the API token generated from the JIRA account
      • JIRA URL: Specify the URL of your JIRA instance
    4. Click Save. Note that these details will not be verified right away to ensure they are correct or not.
      JIRA App tiles 2.png


In addition to displaying recent JIRA tickets, you can also showcase tickets using custom JQL queries with the JIRA tile. App and site managers can easily add the Display tickets using JQL tile to home or site dashboards, selecting it from a library of pre-built app tiles.
JIRA JQL app tiles.jpg

The JQL query input can be user-defined or site manager-defined. Once you select the option, input the JQL query into the blank field, then click Add to site dashboard.
app tiles =JIRA 3.jpg\

The end result based on the query will appear on the dashboard.
JIRA app tiles end result.jpg

Google Calendar tile

The Google Calendar tile allows users to see a list format of all their upcoming Google Calendar events.
GCal App tile.jpg

Users will need to connect their Google Calendars from their user profiles in order to view upcoming events. Once enabled, each user can customize the title of their tile (if dashboard is user controlled). 

Application and user setups remain the same as the general Google Calendar integration. Check out this article for instructions on setting up your org's Google Calendar integration with the intranet.

Outlook Calendar tile

The Outlook Calendar tile allows users to see a list format of all their upcoming Outlook Calendar events.

Users will need to connect their Outlook Calendars from their user profiles in order to view upcoming events. Once enabled, each user can customize the title of their tile (if dashboard is user controlled). 

Application and user setups remain the same as the general Outlook integration. Check out this article for instructions on setting up your org's Outlook integration with the intranet.

ServiceNow tile

The ServiceNow tiles allows users to see their ServiceNow tickets in a list format, as well as create new tickets. App managers can define what is displayed in this tile or leave it up to the individual user. The tile can highlight tickets from the last 24 hours, 7 days or 30 days. If the dashboard is App manager controlled or User controlled, you can make this tile user editable so each user can control what they'd like displayed.
ServiceNow app tile.jpg

Create tickets in ServiceNow

  • Enables users to create ServiceNow support tickets directly from the intranet tile
  • Displays:
    • Impact
    • Urgency
    • Short description
    • Category
    • Sub category

Prerequisites & additional setup

    • The Simpplr app manager must enable the ServiceNow from Manage > Application > Integrations > Support & Ticketing.

    • The end user must have the required permissions to create tickets in ServiceNow.

App and user level integration of ServiceNow will work the same way as the existing integration. Check out this article if this is your first time setting up your org's ServiceNow integration with the intranet. 

UKG Pro tile

  • Enables users to view time off balances retrieved from UKG and display recent paystubs, apply for time off, and view their shift schedules.
  • The time-off balance tile displays:
    • Leave type
    • Used leave
    • Remaining leave


    • The user's email in Simpplr must correspond to their email in UKG Pro
    • The sync source must be selected as "UKG Pro", and the sync identifier is set to the users' UKG Pro Employee ID. The admin user should create a custom field named "ukgProCompanyId", which syncs the users' UKG Pro Company ID

If neither are set up, (i.e. the user does not have an email/user's email does not match/UKG Pro syncing setup is not done) then this UKG app tile will not work.

Display recent paystubs from UKG Pro

This tile allows users to view their recent paystubs on the home dashboard of the intranet.

    • Displays:
      • Pay date-range 
      • Paystub link 
      • Pay date


    • The user's email in Simpplr must correspond to their email in UKG Pro
    • The sync source is selected as UKG Pro, and the sync identifier is set to the users' UKG Pro Employee ID. The admin user should create a custom field named "ukgProCompanyId", which syncs the users' UKG Pro Company ID

If neither are set up, (i.e. the user does not have an email/user's email does not match/UKG Pro syncing setup is not done) then this UKG app tile will not work.

Apply for time off tile

This tile allows users to submit time-off requests directly from Simpplr to UKG Pro WFM.

  • Displays:
    • Time-off category selection
    • Start & end date pickers
    • Comment type field
    • Comment note field
  • Required inputs:
    • Start and End dates
    • Time-off category
    • Time-off duration
  • Prerequisites & additional setup:
    • API access must be enabled for time-off submission
    • Users must have permission to apply for leave in UKG Pro WFM
      time off UKG pro tile.png

Display shift schedule from UKG Pro WFM

  • Displays users’ shift schedules from UKG Pro WFM.
  • Displays:
    • Shift start and end time
    • Shift date
    • Location
      Shift schedule UKG Pro WFM.png
  • Required Inputs:
    • My Schedule URL
  • Prerequisites & Additional Setup:
    • The user’s email in Simpplr must match their email in UKG Pro WFM
    • API access must be enabled

Setting up the UKG Pro tile

The following 2 inputs are required while adding this app tile to a dashboard:

  • UKG Pro Instance URL (mandatory):
    • This URL generates Paystub links.
    • Default Format: https://<name>
    • Example:
  • Pay Identifier Key (optional):
    • Default: gennumber

Steps to Identify UKG Pro Instance URL:


In case of broken paystub Links, follow the below steps to identify your non-standard UKG Pro Instance URL and Pay identifier key.
  1. Navigate to Myself > Pay > Current Pay Statement on the UKG dashboard.
    UKG pay tile 1.png
  2. Right-click on the Pay Statement and select Inspect Element.
  3. Search for "Link to old Web Pay Statement."
  4. Copy the URL next to href=.
    UKG pay tile 2.png
  5. Use this URL as the UKG Pro Instance URL.


For both scenarios specified above, in case the Pay identifier key is different from the default (“gennumber”), the value must be provided in the Pay identifier key field, as the value cannot be presumed purely on the basis of the UKG Pro instance URL.

Steps to Identify Pay Identifier Key:

  1. Follow steps 1-4 from the above "Instance URL" section.
  2. The Pay Identifier Key typically follows an equal sign (=) and precedes an alphanumeric string.
  3. Example: If the URL is https://<name>, the Pay Identifier Key is gennumber.

BambooHR tile

This tile provides time-off balance information and allows users to apply for time off from BambooHR. The time-off balance tile can display:

    • Leave category
    • Leave type
    • Used leave
    • Remaining leave
      BambooHR tile.png

Apply for time off tile

This tile allows users to apply for time-off in BambooHR directly from their dashboard.

  • Displays:
    • Time-off category selection
    • Start & end date pickers
    • Comments field
  • Prerequisites & additional setup:
    • Users must authenticate with their BambooHR account
    • API access must be enabled
      time off BambooHR.png


  • The user's email in Simpplr must correspond to their email in BambooHR

Ensure that email is a non-editable field if you're using this tile.

SAP SuccessFactors tile

Display time-off balance 

  • Allows end users to view their time-off balances from their SuccessFactors account, directly on the dashboard
  • Displays:
    • Leave type (e.g. comp time, vacation, sickness)
    • Used leave
    • Balance

  • Required inputs:
    • SuccessFactors API credentials

Prerequisites & additional setup

    • The user's email in Simpplr must match their email in SuccessFactors
    • API access must be enabled for leave balance retrieval

Asana tile

Display team goals from Asana tile

This tile allows end users to view their team’s goals from their Asana account directly on the dashboard.

  • Displays:
    • Time period
    • Goal name
    • Goal URL
    • Goal owner name
    • Status
    • Completion percentage
  • Required inputs:
    • Workspace ID
    • Team ID
  • Prerequisites & additional setup:
    • Users must authenticate with their Asana account

Display recently updated tasks from Asana tile

This tile allows end users to view their recently updated tasks from their Asana account.

  • Displays:
    • Task name
    • Task URL
    • Last updated date
    • Status
  • Required Inputs:
    • Workspace ID
  • Optional inputs (filters):
    • Status
  • Prerequisites & additional setup:
    • The user's email in Simpplr must match their email in Asana
      • Note: This tile returns the tasks assigned to the user based on the user’s email in Simpplr
    • Users must authenticate with their Asana account

Zendesk tile

Display Zendesk tickets based on a search query from Zendesk

This tile allows users to view Zendesk tickets matching a specific search query.

  • Displays:
    • Ticket ID
    • Subject
    • Status
    • Priority
    • Type

  • Optional inputs:
    • Search query
    • Priority
    • Status
  • Prerequisites & additional setup:
    • Zendesk API credentials are required for the integration
    • To set up the Zendesk app, first, go to Manage > Application > Integrations > Custom apps > Add custom app > Add prebuilt apps, and add the Zendesk app.
    • Once Zendesk is added as a prebuilt app, configure the OAuth details, including the Client ID, Secret Key, Auth URL, Token URL, and Base URL. After adding and enabling these details, the app will appear on the home or site dashboard under the Add Tile option.

Display unassigned Zendesk tickets from Zendesk

This tile displays all unassigned tickets in Zendesk.

  • Displays:
    • Ticket ID
    • Subject
    • Status
    • Priority
      Unassigned tickets ZD tile.png
  • Optional inputs
    • Priority
  • Prerequisites & additional setup:
    • Zendesk API credentials are required

Display recently submitted Zendesk tickets from Zendesk

This tile shows all tickets recently submitted by the user in Zendesk.

  • Displays:
    • Ticket ID
    • Subject
    • Status
    • Priority
      Tickets ZD tiles.png
  • Optional inputs
    • Priority
  • Prerequisites & additional setup:
    • Users must authenticate with their Zendesk account

Display open Zendesk tickets assigned to user from Zendesk

This tile displays all open Zendesk tickets assigned to the applicable user.

  • Displays:
    • Ticket ID
    • Subject
    • Priority
    • Type

  • Optional inputs
    • Priority
  • Prerequisites & additional setup:
    • Users must authenticate with their Zendesk account tile

Display tasks from tile

This tile allows users to view their assigned tasks from

  • Displays:
    • Task name
    • Task URL
    • Status
    • Priority
    • Last updated date
      Monday tasks.png
  • Required inputs:
    • Board ID
      • Only “monday dev” project management boards are supported as of now, which includes the main boards of the Monday dev templates “My Team”, “Scrum Team”, and “Kanban Team”.
      • In order for the user adding the tile to verify that their Board is supported, they can follow the following steps:
        1. Click on your user avatar at the top right.
        2. Click on monday labs.
        3. Search for “Developer mode”.
        4. Click Activate.
        5. Navigate to the “Owner” column of your Board.
        6. Click on the thee dots (ellipsis) next to Owner.
        7. If the Column ID shows as “task_owner”, then the Board is supported.
  • Prerequisites & additional setup:
    • Users must authenticate with their account.
    • Note: This tile returns the tasks assigned to the user based on the email used for their user-level Connection
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