How to register for Simpplr eLearning/Training

How to sign up for training

Follow the instructions below to create your Docebo LMS account. Once you create your profile, you'll have full access to Simpplr's course catalog of training. You'll also be able to enroll in custom learning plans designed for your role within Simpplr. 


Docebo is a third party Learning Management System outside of Simpplr. You're creating a new set of credentials/profile when enrolling in training. 


Click the link below to go to our Learning Management System (LMS) on Docebo.

From the landing page, click Register to begin creating your new learning profile. Then follow the steps below.


  1. Enter your work email address. This should be the one you use for your other Simpplr activities, ending in Do not use your personal email address.
  2. Enter your first and last name. 
  3. Create a password. This must contain at least 6 characters.
  4. Choose your preferred language from the dropdown.
  5. Finally, enter the Branch Code Cust002 to gain full access to our course catalog. This must be typed exactly as shown here
  6. View and check the box accepting the terms of the privacy policy. When finished, click NEXT at the bottom.

  7. Fill in the name of your organization/company, then click REGISTER.

  8. Bookmark the home page so you'll have easy access for later on!

Congrats! You’re now registered and have full access to our library of eLearning modules.

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