Content Governance notifications when the Author is changed

Hi folks! I had a great customer question recently, and I thought I'd share it, along with the answer here:

  • If a piece of page content is authored and published as knowledge by one user on a site (an app manager) so that it falls into the content governance validation period and later, before the validation period initially expires, the author of the content is changed to a non-app manager end user on the same site, will the original author (the app manager) still get a notification about the validation period being nearly complete at the 4-week mark before the content is unpublished?
  • We have a use case where an app manager has created a lot of content, but that content will be owned and updated by different individuals and we want to see if the app manager can avoid getting the initial validation email notification at 4 weeks if the author of the content is changed after it is initially published but before the validation period gets close to running out. (We understand the app manager will still get an email  notification 2 weeks before the content is unpublished.)


1 comment
  • Official comment

    If the initial author is made into an End user on the site, they will NOT receive any notifications of the upcoming validation date unless they're explicitly made a Content manager or above on the site. If they're just a member/End user, then it won't matter that they were the initial author, they will not get notified of anything about the content going forward. 

    This article goes into a bit more detail about who is notified and how often on content validation. 

    Hope this helps!

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