Google Provisioning and Syncing

Connect your environment’s people data to Google

Application managers who are also your company's Google admin user can perform the following steps to select Google as the source for Simpplr's People data:

  1. Go to Manage > Application > Integrations > People Data.
  2. Select the Google Workspace checkbox to connect using admin credentials.
    • Note: Simpplr will request some permissions from Google including the ability to see profile info about your domain users, such as their:
      • Names
      • Email
      • Addresses
      • Phone numbers
      • Metadata, including user's role, manager info, and last login time
  3. After signing into the source account with admin credentials, your source account will be connected and you'll be redirected back to Simpplr. You'll now see the option to Disconnect account next to the selected source account.


selecting Google for connection


Google connected successfully


If any other Google integration (Google Drive, Google Calendar, etc.) is already enabled, the domain used for syncing Simpplr People with Google should match the domain used elsewhere. If there's a domain name mismatch, you'll see "Connection failed - Domain name must match existing Google integrations." Also, user attributes like Job Title are only provisioned once. To continually sync user attribute data, see the Syncing sections below.

Set up Google user provisioning

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If your Simpplr environment is connected to Google, System admins will see an option to provision users from Google. To set up Google provisioning:

  1. Go to Manage > Application > People > Provision & sync users.
  2. Select the provisioning source as Google.
  3. Enter in the query field (note, it says Optional but it is required): SimpIntegration.IsSimpplrUser=true. This is the filter defined in Google as a custom field. You must first create the custom field in your Google Workspace before this query will work. Name the custom field IsSimpplrUser. The custom field path should be category_name.custom field_name. This will enable syncing with Simpplr when a user is created in Google.
  4. Select Create new users or Don't create new users. If you're provisioning from Google, select Create new users. If you're only syncing with Google, select Don't create new users.
  5. Select Deactivate users.

Email ID is the default parameter for syncing user data from Google with Simpplr. Once the batch job (see below section) is executed:

  • If the Create User field is selected:
    • New users are created in Simpplr from Google.
  • If the Deactivate User field is selected:
    • Users without Google account emails are set to inactive.


Users are only deactivated in Simpplr if they've been deleted from Google. Suspended users are not deactivated.




Note: You can also use custom fields in Google to provide address info to Simpplr for the following fields:

  • Street
  • City
  • County
  • State
  • Postal code

Set up Google user data syncing

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Once your environment is connected to Google, App managers will be able to sync user data from Google:

  1. Go to Manage > Application > People > Provision & sync users.
  2. Scroll down and select Google as the syncing source.
  3. Select which fields you want to sync between Google and Simpplr. Note, Email and Timezone are required fields to be synced if filled out on the Google side. If both these options aren't chosen, the sync will not run.
  4. Go to Manage > Application > Setup > Schedulers. Run a batch execution to sync the data.


selecting fields to sync between Google and Simpplr

Note: You can also use custom fields in Google to provide address info to Simpplr for the following fields:

  • Street
  • City
  • County
  • State
  • Postal code


User syncing is one-way from the external system or file to Simpplr. Changes in Simpplr do not flow back to the other system.


Batch sync and provision Simpplr people data with Google

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Once your environment is connected to Google, and Google is selected as the People data source, App managers are ready to batch sync and/or provision People data in Simpplr with Google's source data:

  1. Go to Manage > Application > Setup > Schedulers.
  2. To provision users on-demand, run User provisioning. This job is pre-scheduled to run every three hours, but can be run on-demand.
  3. To sync user people data on-demand, run User syncing. This job is pre-scheduled to run once a day, but can be run on-demand.
  4. Simpplr People data will be automatically synced or provisioned accordingly.


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