Employee Listening: Forms


As part of the paid add-on Employee Listening suite of products, Forms are the first non-anonymous survey type, allowing your users a huge range of use cases for surveys. With Forms, survey managers can collect feedback that requires knowing who the employee is providing it. Forms can be configured to allow multiple submissions per form and do not require an end date, meaning they can run however long you'd like. Your org can use them for a number of use cases, such as the "company suggestion box," replacing products like Google Forms. 

Important to know

  • Forms ensure that all responses are attributed to the specific employee who submitted them, providing clarity and accountability. It also allows grouping of all responses from the same individual, giving a comprehensive view of each participant's feedback. There is no way to anonymize Forms. For anonymous responses, we recommend a different survey type
  • A Form can be configured to allow for multiple submissions by the same person, enabling ongoing feedback collection or repeated interactions as needed.
  • Once a Form or survey is completed, the Form creator can choose whether they want to receive an email notification. This ensures prompt awareness and enables timely follow-up actions for certain Form use cases. Note that this means if you distribute a From to 1,000+ employees, you'll receive notifications for each submission. 
  • Forms can be configured to remain open indefinitely, allowing participants to complete them at any time, rather than being restricted to a specific deadline. Best practice is not to restrict users to respond to Forms in a small window of time. Another survey product such as Pulse surveys are more effective for timely responses. 
  • With Forms, we've added a file upload question type, allowing you to upload PDFs, images, documents, spreadsheet, and presentations to your question. These can be limited to certain types by an App manager as needed.Form file question.jpg
  • All survey types including Forms can be previewed in a piece of content on the intranet to help boost awareness. This could be particularly useful if a Form is used as a suggestion box, or to raise awareness of a particular Form.

How to create a new Form

Note you must have survey management permissions to enable Forms in your Simpplr environment. As the survey manager, you an create a Form the same way you'd create a new survey:

  1. Head to Manage > Surveys. From the survey menu, click Create survey. You'll see a new survey type, Form. Click it.
    create form 2.gif
  2. Name the Form accordingly and enter an optional introductory message. Depending on the purpose of the form, this could be the default message, "Please take a moment to complete this form", or a custom message like instructions, contextual background for the reason of the Form, or any other message.
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  3. Similarly, enter an optional thank you message that will appear after users complete the Form. 
  4. Scroll down to choose your audience. Who should participate in this Form? You can choose the entire org, a specified audience or site members. Note that as a survey manager, you do not by default have permissions to add or edit existing audiences in your intranet.
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  5. Decide whether or not to notify Form recipients via email, in-app and mobile notifications. Note users must have email and mobile notifications enabled on their profile in order to receive them. This triggers one notification to the end user. Multiple notifications on a recurring basis cannot be configured currently.
  6. Next, choose whether or not to allow multiple responses. By defaults users can only submit one response. Allowing them to submit multiple responses effectively keeps the Form open for users. You will be notified when an individual submits more than one response.
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  7. Next decide when to start sending out the Form. You can choose to send it immediately or on a specified date & time. The time chosen will be the same for each user's timezone. 
  8. Choose a duration. Best practice is to leave the Form open, but you can set an end date for any time in the future. If no end date is chosen, the Form will complete when each user has submitted it.
  9. Configure response notifications. If no selection is made, no survey managers will receive notifications for completed Forms. However, responses are tracked in the Form page for your visibility at any time. As mentioned above, you can choose to have each survey manager notified when a Form is completed. You can also share reporting for a Form to users with no other survey access. Users will receive an email every time someone submits a form as well as one time reporting access for that form. Those that have been shared reporting can also get these emails too.
  10. When done, click. Next.
  11. Now it's time to configure the questions in your Form. As with all Simpplr survey products, you can browse the question bank, made up of 100+ pre-written questions based on industry standards research, or you can add your own.
    • As mentioned above, we now offer a "file upload" question type, wherein users can upload a file as part of their response to the question. This could be a PDF, an image, or other supported file type. You can also limit the file type allowed to be uploaded if you wish.
  12. Once your questions are ready, you can choose to preview the Form to display what it'll look like for your end users. Finally, click. Create.
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Evaluating Form responses

To view responses for Forms, head to the main Surveys menu from Manage > Surveys. All Form responses are tracked here, in addition to any notifications you set up to receive. You can edit the Form at any time, as well as duplicate or delete it.
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