Roles and Permissions in Simpplr

This document explains what different levels of user within Simpplr can do.

There are two system roles built into the platform; Application manager and End user. All other roles are custom and configurable by the App manager, and can be assigned permissions as needed.

There are also site roles titled Site owner, Site manager and Site content manager. These users will have governance permissions over their specific sites, but outside those sites are still considered End users.

App managers and End users have default permissions assigned to them, shown in the table below, but can be customized with certain permissions to fit your org's needs. Site owners and managers are not customizable, and can be configured at the site level when assigning members to the site.

As shown below, the primary difference between Site owners and managers is that owners can connect third-party file storage integrations to their sites.



App manager

Site owner

Site manager

Site Content manager

End user

Search for people, sites, content and files

View, like, favorite, share, and download files

Post and reply on Feed*

Delete site Feed posts (if user is Site owner/manager)



Delete home dashboard Feed posts





Edit others' Feed posts (everyone can edit their own Feed posts)





Share posts and content in Feed*

View, like, and favorite content

Add, edit, and publish content (End users must submit content for approval)


Promote content to the site carousel


Validate content via auto-governance engine


Send notifications for content


Make content must read





Curate and promote content from all sites 





Unpublish content


Approve content submissions (if App manager enables)


Create sites





Connect site integrations, including file storage and messaging





Manage site settings,  membership, and analytics



Set site access level (public, private or unlisted). Note, App managers must request membership to private sites first before being able to manage them.



Add/remove Site managers



Move content to another site managed by the same user



Upload native Simpplr site files (depends on Manage application > Governance > File upload permissions settings)





Manage site dashboard (if Site control is set to Site owner/manager in Manage application > Governance)





Add site categories



Create and manage social campaigns





View app wide analytics





Control Home layout, carousel and tiles for all users (if Home is set to App manager controlled)





Create and manage subscriptions





Create audiences





Manage branding





Remove files (click link for difference b/t removing and deleting files)

√ (if this user uploaded it)

√ (if this user uploaded it)

Delete files (click link for difference b/t removing and deleting files)

√ (if this user uploaded it)

√ (if this user uploaded it)

√ (if this user uploaded it)

√ (if this user uploaded it) 

√ (if this user uploaded it)

Upload profile photos for other people and change their time zones in Simpplr 






* = If Feed is enabled

√* = Contingent on Privileges setup (controlled by App manager)


Permissions in Simpplr 

Utilize permissions in Simpplr to create custom roles for your users. Below are definitions of what each permission allows, as well as best practices for creating user roles in your intranet. 

For some permissions, clicking one automatically enables another (or multiple) that acts as a prerequisite to use the selected permission.

User and Role Management


What to do with this permission

Prerequisites and Additional comments

Edit users

Users will be able to make changes to any user's profile from Edit in Manage users menu.

View users and View roles permissions will be enabled.

Manage user sessions

Users will be able to view a session list which has details of people logged to the tenant using which operating system and browser.

View users permission will be enabled.

Change user status

Users having this permission will be able to change the status of any user from active, inactive and freeze.

View users permission will be enabled.

Create users

Users with this permission will be able to create other users in the application.

View users and View roles permissions will be enabled.

Login as

Users with this permission will be able to login to the application as any user. 

View users permission will be enabled.

View users

Users with this permission will be able to see the list of users present in the system.

View roles permission will be enabled.

Create role

Users will be able to create new custom roles in the system.

View roles permission will be enabled.

Update role

Update role permission allows the user to make permission changes in any of the custom roles created.

View roles permission will be enabled.

Edit application   View application permission will be enabled.

Delete role

Users with this permission can delete existing custom roles in the application.

View roles and Update roles permissions will be enabled.

Note: System roles like Application Manager and End User cannot be deleted.

Manage password policy

This is the permission where users can make changes in the password policy from Manage > Application > Security > Password policy, according to which users need to set their passwords.

View application permission will be enabled.

Manage OAuth client applications

Users with this permission can manage OAuth client applications.

View application permission will be enabled.

People edit profile

Users with this permission can edit other users' profile field values.


Profile fields



View application

Users with this permission will be able to access the manage application all tabs. 


User integration



Branding customization

Users with this permission will be able to make changes in the look and feel of the application along with color and fonts logo etc.


Attribute values



Manage audience



View roles

This permission allows users to see the list of roles present in the system.


Manage expertise

User will able to perform add/edit/delete/merge expertise.

Manage sandboxes    

Google Analytics

This option should allow users to configure Google Analytics under Manage > Application > Integrations > Analytics.


View account details

User will be able to view account details (Click the User Profile icon > Manage > Manage Account).

With this privilege, the user has an option to view details for the account.

To edit - Visit Tenant Admin portal


Site and content management


What to do with this permission

Additional comments

Add sites

User will be allowed to add any public/private/unlisted site.


Manage all sites

User will be allowed to manage all site related activities (under Manage sites).

Users cannot manage Unlisted sites with this option.

Manage subscriptions

User will be allowed to add new Subscriptions using Audiences and edit those Subscriptions  

Home management

User will be allowed to edit and configure home dashboard layout when it's set to "App manager controlled", still restricting edit access to other End users  


Topic management


What to do with this permission

Prerequisites and Additional comments

Merge topic

Users will be able to merge topics.


Delete topic

Users will be able to delete topics.


Update topic

Users will be able to edit already created topics.


Listed managed topics

Users will be able to see a list of all topics.


Add topic

Users will be able to add new topics in the system.





What to do with this permission

Additional comments


Users with this permission will be able to see the analytics of all content types.



Social campaign


What to do with this permission

Additional comments

Manage social campaign

Users with this permission will be able to create and manage social campaigns for the organization to promote on their social media profiles like Facebook and LinkedIn. 






What to do with this permission

Additional comments

Manage recognition

Users with this permission will be able to create and manage awards in the Recognition Suite add-on feature.  







What to do with this permission

Additional comments

Manage newsletter

Users with this permission will be able to create and manage newsletters on the Employee Newsletter add-on feature.



Employee Listening


What to do with this permission

Additional comments

Manage sentiment check

Users with this permission will be able to create and manage sentiment checks within the Employee Listening add-on feature.


Manage survey

Users with this permission will be able to create and manage Pulse and All-purpose surveys within the Employee Listening add-on feature.



Public, Private and Unlisted Site Permissions

Public sites


Non member


Site manager








System admin

System admin + Unlisted site admin

App manager

App manager + Unlisted site admin

Standard user


Private sites


Non member


Site manager








System admin

System admin + Unlisted site admin

App manager

App manager + Unlisted site admin

Standard user


Unlisted sites


Non member


Site manager








System admin

System admin + Unlisted site admin

App manager

App manager + Unlisted site admin

Standard user

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