Just-in-Time (JIT) User Syncing

Effortlessly streamline user management and enhance security with Just-in-Time (JIT) Syncing via Single Sign-On (SSO). This feature empowers organizations to automatically create, update, or sync user profiles in real time, eliminating the need for manual interventions or periodic bulk imports.

By leveraging JIT syncing, you can ensure that user data remains up-to-date and accurate every time someone logs in through your SSO provider. Whether onboarding new employees or managing access changes, JIT syncing ensures a seamless and secure experience for both users and administrators.


Simpplr already supports Just-in-time provisioning of Standard fields. As of the 25.01 release, we support provisioning custom fields as well. Additionally, we support JIT syncing of both standard and custom fields.


Enable JIT syncing

  1. A new toggle has been added to enable JIT syncing while adding or editing any SSO. Flip this toggle to start syncing users.JIT syncing 1.png

  1. Once the basic setup is done, provide additional configuration and mapping. 

SSO integration details

This section displays the details that are needed to configure the source as a provisioning or syncing source

  • Login identifier

    • This section displays all the login identifiers enabled while setting up the SSO

    • For successful provisioning and syncing, at least one login identifier must be mapped in the SSO source

    • Mapping should match the attribute name given on the UI

  • Required fields

    • This section displays the mandatory field required for provisioning. It displays and is needed only when provisioning is being done.

    • First name and Last name are the required fields, hence need to be mapped in the SSO source

    • Mapping should match the attribute name given on the UI

  • Configuration details

    • This section displays the configuration needed to complete the integration of SSO provider

    • These details need to be updated in the SSO sourceJIT syncing 2.png

Field mapping

The field mapping section displays the read-only mapping of all the standard and custom fields. Fields selected for provisioning or syncing need to be mapped correctly in the SSO source.

  • Mapping should match the attribute name given on the UI.JIT syncing 3.pngJIT syncing 4.png

  • Integration details and field mapping are always available on the SSO listing page.JIT syncing 5.png


Q: Is JIT syncing supported through multiple SSO sources?

A: Yes. Like provisioning, JIT syncing is also supported through multiple sources.

Q: Can admins change the fields mapping?

A: No. For the 25.01 release, fields mapping are read-only and same has to be mapped in the SSO source to ensure that provisioning and syncing work.

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