App managers and those granted the right permissions can add, remove, edit or manage the sessions of users in the Manage > Users menu.
From the main dashboard, you can add, update or remove one or multiple users, as well as add profile photos for all users via ZIP/TAR files.
Inactive users in your intranet do not take up a user license.Manage sessions/log in as other users
We've temporarily disabled the ability to log in as another user as of 12/3/2024. Our team is currently working on an enhancement to allow this functionality.Managing a user's session will allow you to see everyone who's currently logged in to the intranet and log them out if necessary.
App managers can also log in as any other user on the intranet by clicking the dropdown next to the user's name and choosing Log in as.
Once logged in as the user, you'll see a persistent banner on the top navigation bar letting you know who you're logged in as. You can navigate to any page that user has access to.
To log out as the user, simply head to their user profile image and click Log out. You'll be redirected back to your profile, still logged in.
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