Workday Integration with Simpplr

Table of Contents

Configure Workday SSO

Configure Workday Syncing

Additional Setup for App Tiles


The Workday integration offers a single sign-on integration, as well as user data syncing directly from your workday environment to Simpplr, meaning no need to waste time with duplication. With the data updating every night, your intranet will always stay current. A sample of the report format that should be used with Simpplr is specified at the end of this article.


You must be a Workday admin user to properly configure this integration.


Configure Workday SSO

Simpplr allows you to connect with Workday using SAML 2.0. With this connection:

  • Users are given the ability to login and authenticate into Simpplr using their Workday credentials

  • Workday users will be added immediately (Just In Time provisioning) if not already onboarded while logging in to the system

  • Users can log in via the employee ID/number or email stored in Workday (alternate login SSO)

To get started, as the Workday admin user:

  1. Log in into your Workday dashboard.
  2. From the Applications menu, go to SSO.
  3. Create a SAML application by following the instructions on screen.
  4. Copy the SAML 2.0 Endpoint (HTTP) url. Paste the link in a place you'll have easy access to later. We will paste it again in Simpplr momentarily.
  5. From the SAML Signature Algorithm dropdown, choose SHA-256.
  6. In the X.509 Certificate section, click View Details, then download the PEM file.

Add the following mappings to your Workday integrated Simpplr SAML app:


Field Name (Simpplr)

Value (Workday)


First Name


Last Name




Employee ID*


* At-least one mapping (email or employee_number) is mandatory, but both would work as well.

Back in Simpplr:

  1. As the App manager, navigate to Manage > Application > Security > External IdP (SSO).

  2. Select Workday.

  3. Enter the Workday link retrieved from your Workday portal. This is the SAML 2.0 Endpoint (HTTP) url we copied in the above steps.

  4. Upload the PEM certificate file to Simpplr in the Certificate section.

  5. Select at least one Login identifier that users will be able to use from their Workday credentials.

  6. Select Save.

Steps to Configure Workday User Syncing

  1. Create a JSON report. See Appendix A in this article for a sample. The field labels should be exactly the same as the ones in Appendix A. Field labels are case sensitive. Once you have the report generated, from Simpplr, click on your avatar at the upper right hand corner, go to ​Manage ​> Application > Integrations > People Data. Check the box next to Workday​ and enter your Workday username, password and endpoint url to access the report. Click ​Save​ when done.


    “Workday endpoint URL” is the location of your Workday JSON report. You must find this by navigating to your JSON report that contains your user list within Workday. Copy and paste that JSON endpoint URL into the box in Simpplr. Only Admins of Workday can perform this.

  2. Go to ​Manage > Application > People > Provision & sync users​. Select Workday from the Syncing source dropdown menu and select the fields that you want to sync with Workday. Click ​Save when you are done. Note you're able to select Show mapping key to list the names of the fields you need to sync with your JSON file.
  3. Back in the ​Manage > Application > Integrations > People Data menu, click Run now to pull through the Workday user information immediately. Here you can also choose what time every day for the scheduler to run and update. The timezone is CMT.

Additional Setup for App Tiles

If you'd like to display open jobs from your ATS, time-off balances, or messages from your Workday inbox on a Simpplr intranet tile, you'll need to configure a few additional data points in the Workday setup. For more on App tiles, check out this article.

To get started:

  1. Click Additional details (optional) from the Workday setup page in Manage > Application > Integrations > People data.
  2. Enter the Workday WSDL URL and Workday Tenant Id.

    Workday app tiles 1.gif

  3.  Next, create an API Client to obtain the Client ID, Client Secret, and Refresh Token.



Employee number

We use the Employee number stored in Workday to find the corresponding user in Simpplr. If the Employee number field is selected to sync with Simpplr, we will add an Employee number for those users who do not have one already set. The user’s email address is matched to the corresponding user in Simpplr. If multiple users have the same email address, all of the user’s records will be updated with the Employee number. The user's email address must be written in all lowercase.

Synced fields 

All fields that are selected for sync will be updated with the corresponding values received from Workday. If a field is selected to sync with Workday then it cannot be edited from Simpplr.

Birthday day and month

The birthday field has two inputs in Simpplr; one for the day and one for the month. These must be separated values, both numerical in your JSON report in order for the sync to occur correctly. 

Country code

If you're in the United States, the Country code field must be input with "United States", not "US". The country code is the phone code id. For example, the US is (+1). The United Kingdom is (+44).


For the Locale field, you must input the full name of the country. See the list below for the corresponding values based on locale. The exact value shown must be entered in the field.


Appendix A: 

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Sample JSON response accepted by Simpplr:


"Report_Entry": [
"EmployeeID": "100",
"FirstName": "Ryan",
"LastName": "Taylor",
"Role": "CEO",
"HireDate": "2011-06-06",
"AboutMe": "Nice bio coming soon.",
"BirthDate": "1978-08-12",
"BusinessTitle": "CEO",
"ManagerID": "",
"Manager": "",
"Department": "Corporate",
"Division": "Corporate",
"WorkAddressFormattedLine1": "1650 Castro Street",
"WorkAddressFormattedLine2": "Suite 221",
"WorkAddressCity": "Mountain View",
"WorkAddressStateProvince": "California",
"WorkAddressPostalCode": "94041",
"WorkAddressCountry": "United States of America",
"PrimaryWorkEmail": "",
"PublicWorkPhones": "9565550401",
"PublicWorkMobilePhones": "9565550501",
"NickName": "rtaylor",
"CompanyName": "GoodCo Inc.",
"Extension": "101",
"Fax": "8765550700"
"EmployeeID": "105",
"FirstName": "Jennifer",
"LastName": "Whitman",
"Role": "Director",
"HireDate": "2012-07-07",
"AboutMe": "Nice bio for Jennifer Whitman coming soon.",
"BirthDate": "1980-06-10",
"BusinessTitle": "Director, Human Resources",
"ManagerID": "100",
"Manager": "Ryan Taylor",
"Department": "Human Resources",
"Division": "Corporate",
"WorkAddressFormattedLine1": "1650 Castro Street",
"WorkAddressFormattedLine2": "Suite 221",
"WorkAddressCity": "Mountain View",
"WorkAddressStateProvince": "California",
"WorkAddressPostalCode": "94041",
"WorkAddressCountry": "United States of America",
"PrimaryWorkEmail": "",
"PublicWorkPhones": "9565550402",
"PublicWorkMobilePhones": "9565550502",
"NickName": "jwhitman",
"CompanyName": "GoodCo Inc.",
"Extension": "102",
"Fax": "8765550701",
"EmployeeID": "110",
"FirstName": "Troy",
"LastName": "Miller",
"Role": "Employee Communications Manager",
"HireDate": "2013-08-08",
"AboutMe": "The master of all things sales, marketing, HR and ops at Goodco. Interests: Boating,
"BirthDate": "1984-03-04",
"BusinessTitle": "Employee Communications Manager",
"ManagerID": "105",
"Manager": "Jennifer Whitman",
"Department": "Human Resources",
"Division": "Corporate",
"WorkAddressFormattedLine1": "1650 Castro Street",
"WorkAddressFormattedLine2": "Suite 221",
"WorkAddressCity": "Mountain View",
"WorkAddressStateProvince": "California",
"WorkAddressPostalCode": "94041",
"WorkAddressCountry": "United States of America",
"PrimaryWorkEmail": "",
"PublicWorkPhones": "9565550403",
"PublicWorkMobilePhones": "9565550503",
"NickName": "tmiller",
"CompanyName": "GoodCo Inc.",
"Extension": "103",
"Fax": "8765550702"
"EmployeeID": "112",
"FirstName": "Nicole",
"LastName": "Kramer",
"Role": "Senior HR Manager",
"HireDate": "2013-08-08",
"AboutMe": "Nice bio about Nicole Kramer coming soon.",
"BirthDate": "1981-11-21",
"BusinessTitle": "Senior HR Manager",
"ManagerID": "105",
"Manager": "Jennifer Whitman",
"Department": "Human Resources",
"Division": "Corporate",
"WorkAddressFormattedLine1": "1650 Castro Street",
"WorkAddressFormattedLine2": "Suite 221",
"WorkAddressCity": "Mountain View",
"WorkAddressStateProvince": "California",
"WorkAddressPostalCode": "94041",
"WorkAddressCountry": "United States of America",
"PrimaryWorkEmail": "",
"PublicWorkPhones": "9565550404",
"PublicWorkMobilePhones": "9565550504",
"NickName": "nkramer",
"CompanyName": "GoodCo Inc.",
"Extension": "104",
"Fax": "8765550703"
"EmployeeID": "114",
"FirstName": "Erika",
"LastName": "Kane",
"Role": "VP",
"HireDate": "2014-03-01",
"AboutMe": "Nice bio for Jennifer Whitman coming soon.",
"BirthDate": "1980-02-09",
"BusinessTitle": "VP, Customer Success",
"ManagerID": "100",
"Manager": "Ryan Taylor",
"Department": "Customer Success",
"Division": "Corporate",
"WorkAddressFormattedLine1": "1650 Castro Street",
"WorkAddressFormattedLine2": "Suite 221",
"WorkAddressCity": "Mountain View",
"WorkAddressStateProvince": "California",
"WorkAddressPostalCode": "94041",
"WorkAddressCountry": "United States of America",
"PrimaryWorkEmail": "",
"PublicWorkPhones": "9565550405",
"PublicWorkMobilePhones": "9565550505",
"NickName": "ekane",
"CompanyName": "GoodCo Inc.",
"Extension": "105",
"Fax": "8765550704"
"EmployeeID": "115",
"FirstName": "Sydnee",
"LastName": "Walker",
"Role": "Manager",
"HireDate": "2012-07-17",
"AboutMe": "Nice bio for Sydnee Walker coming soon.",
"BirthDate": "1980-02-09",
"BusinessTitle": "Manager, Customer Success",
"ManagerID": "114",
"Manager": "Erika Kane",
"Department": "Customer Success",
"Division": "Corporate",
"WorkAddressFormattedLine1": "1650 Castro Street",
"WorkAddressFormattedLine2": "Suite 221",
"WorkAddressCity": "Mountain View",
"WorkAddressStateProvince": "California",
"WorkAddressPostalCode": "94041",
"WorkAddressCountry": "United States of America",
"PrimaryWorkEmail": "",
"PublicWorkPhones": "9565550406",
"PublicWorkMobilePhones": "9565550506",
"NickName": "swalker",
"CompanyName": "GoodCo Inc.",
"Extension": "106",
"Fax": "8765550705"
"EmployeeID": "116",
"FirstName": "Robert",
"LastName": "Hawkins",
"Role": "Manager",
"HireDate": "2012-05-07",
"AboutMe": "Nice bio for Robert Hawkins coming soon.",
"BirthDate": "1983-12-19",
"BusinessTitle": "Tech Support Specialist",
"ManagerID": "115",
"Manager": "Sydnee Walker",
"Department": "Customer Success",
"Division": "Corporate",
"WorkAddressFormattedLine1": "1650 Castro Street",
"WorkAddressFormattedLine2": "Suite 221",
"WorkAddressCity": "Mountain View",
"WorkAddressStateProvince": "California",
"WorkAddressPostalCode": "94041",
"WorkAddressCountry": "United States of America",
"PrimaryWorkEmail": "",
"PublicWorkPhones": "9565550407",
"PublicWorkMobilePhones": "9565550507",
"NickName": "swalker",
"CompanyName": "GoodCo Inc.",
"Extension": "107",
"Fax": "8765550706"

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