AI Perception Dashboard


Perception Dashboard is the passive listening component of Employee Listening. Using AI, Simpplr analyzes posts, comments, and replies to surface underlying emotions, sentiments, and themes within your organization, allowing you to understand how users are feeling and reacting to its content.

Go to Analytics > Perception tab to view. 


This feature is part of the paid add-on, Employee Listening. Contact your CSM for more information. 

Emotion, confidence, and sentiment

Users’ feed posts, comments, and replies are analyzed by Simpplr’s perception algorithm, and given emotions with an associated confidence rating. There are 28 emotions (see table below) and three levels of confidence: high, medium, and low. 

The perception algorithm gives each post a score across the 28 different emotions. If a post has a high score for a certain emotion, the post is said to have high confidence in being given that emotion. A medium score in a certain emotion gives a post medium confidence for that emotion. A low score gives low confidence.


The 28 emotions user posts are scored against


A post with High confidence in the Gratitude emotion


A post with Medium confidence in the Gratitude emotion

As seen in the table above, emotions can be categorized as positive, negative, or neutral. This categorization is called Sentiment. The Sentiment benchmark allows you to see the aggregate of positive, negative, and neutral emotions in user posts across the location, department, and time period of your choice. Sentiment trend allows you to see a breakdown of these aggregate sentiment over time.


Net sentiment

Net sentiment is negative sentiment subtracted from positive sentiment. Neutral sentiment is not factored. Net sentiment will only be neutral if subtracting negative from positive yields exactly zero.

Sort by emotion

You can look at the most commonly recurring emotions in user posts across the location, department, and time period of your choice. The dashboard will only show data for emotions that have at least one medium or high confidence rating.


Simpplr also has a list of commonly used terms that occur in user posts. These terms are called themes. Posts mentioning a certain theme are analyzed for their emotion, and the overall sentiment of a theme is listed in the Themes dashboard.

At the top of the dashboard, you can see the most commonly recurring emotion and theme across your organization for the last 30 days.




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