Employee Newsletter: Adoption, Enablement and Engagement Strategies

This article covers detailed action plan on how to get your users to engage more with your org's Employee Newsletter (ENL). For more best practices on crafting and sending your newsletter, check out this article


Below, we'll cover steps to improve active engagement with your ENL. The key to consistent engagement is ensuring that users continue to find value in the product.

Increase open rate: Low open rates indicate that employees are not motivated to open the newsletter.

Increase click-through rate (CTR): Low CTR suggests that the content within the newsletter is not compelling enough to prompt further action.


Action plan for improving open rates:

1. Understand employee preferences

  • Conduct a survey:
    • Create a survey to understand why employees might not be opening emails. Include questions about content preferences, optimal email timing, and perceived value of the emails.
  • Focus groups:
    • Organize focus groups with representatives from different departments to gather deeper insights and discuss preferences.

2. Optimize subject lines

  • Craft engaging subject lines:
    • Use clear, concise, and engaging language.
    • Highlight the most important or intriguing part of the email content.
    • Keep subject lines under 50 characters for better visibility.

3. Test sending times and frequency

  • Experiment with different times:
    • Send emails at various times and days to determine when employees are most likely to check their inboxes.
    • Consider the typical working hours and time zones of your employees.
  • Adjust frequency:
    • Balance the frequency of emails to avoid overwhelming employees. Start with a bi-weekly or monthly cadence and adjust based on feedback and engagement metrics.

4. Promote the emails internally

  • Use multiple channels:
    • Promote the importance and benefits of the emails through internal communication channels like intranet, team meetings, and messaging platforms.
  • Highlight key benefits:
    • Clearly communicate the value of reading the emails, such as staying informed about important updates, learning about company news, and accessing valuable resources.


Action plan for Improving click-through rate (CTR):

1. Optimize content quality and relevance

  • Personalize content:
    • Tailor content to different employee segments or departments to ensure relevance.
    • Include a mix of content types, such as company news, personal development tips, employee spotlights, and upcoming events.
  • Engaging formats:
    • Use multimedia elements like images, infographics, and videos to make the content more engaging and visually appealing.

2. Enhance Calls-to-Action (CTA)

  • Clear and compelling CTAs:
    • Use strong, action-oriented language for CTAs.
    • Ensure CTAs are prominent and visually distinct within the email.

3. Improve email layout and design

  • User-friendly layout:
    • Design a clean, easy-to-navigate layout with clear headings, bullet points, and short paragraphs for better readability.
  • Responsive design:
    • Ensure that the email is mobile-friendly and looks good on all devices, as employees might check emails on their phones or tablets.

4. Incorporate interactive elements

  • Engage readers:
    • Include survey and recognition blocks to increase engagement.
  • Employee contributions:
    • Encourage employees to contribute content or suggest topics, fostering a sense of ownership and participation.

5. Monitor and analyze metrics

  • Track performance:
    • Use email analytics to track open rates, click-through rates, and engagement with different sections or links.
  • Regular reviews:
    • Conduct regular reviews of performance metrics to identify trends and areas for improvement.
  • Iterative improvements:
    • Continuously gather feedback from employees and make iterative improvements to the content, design, and strategy.
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