Simpplr New hire onboarding feature



App managers and those granted permission (Onboarding managers) can easily flag content across sites as "onboarding" without having to organize them manually. In addition, Site and Content managers can flag content on sites they manage as onboarding. This action creates an easy-to-follow path for new hires to obtain information needed to successfully onboard.

Enable/disable onboarding feature

App managers can enable or disable the ability to flag content as onboarding. To get started:

  1. Head to Manage > Application > Privileges.
  2. Scroll down to Onboarding and make sure Enable is checked. For Sites, decide whether to allow onboarding content on all sites or only selected ones. Site owners/managers and Content managers of the sites selected below can add content to site onboarding for the site the content is published in. By default, featured sites will allow adding onboarding content and do not need to be selected below.
  3. Click Save.AWS Onboarding 1.gif

Onboarding manager privileges and permissions

App managers can grant Onboarding privilege to a list of users who can then flag/unflag content for onboarding, at both organization level and site level. These users are called Onboarding managers.

To assign a new Onboarding manager:

  1. Go to Manage > Application > Privileges.
  2. Scroll down to Onboarding. Under Users, add the people you want to give manager permissions to. These users will be able to flag/unflag onboarding content.


App managers can also specify which sites are enabled for site admins to flag/unflag content as onboarding at the site level. All content flagged for onboarding is at the site level. Permission to add Onboarding content from Featured sites is always granted by default.

If content from a public site is marked as org onboarding by an App or Onboarding manager, then Site managers/owners/users with "Manage site" access have the authority to change it to site onboarding.


Other scenarios and permissions

If a user is designated as the only Onboarding manager and has no other management permissions in the platform, they will see a new option labeled Manage onboarding content in the profile menu with the filter set to org and site onboarding.

On that page, only content that's already marked as onboarding will be visible, and the user can change the following types of content to Onboarding:

  • All public site content, regardless of whether the user is a member or not
  • Content from private and unlisted sites of which the Onboarding manager already has membershipaws onboarding 1.jpg

If a user is an existing site owner/manager or content manager, they will have access to make any content from sites they manage into Onboarding content for that site. Having these permissions does not by default grant you access to designate content as org onboarding.


Flagging and managing onboarding content

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Site content managers, Site managers, and owners of an onboarding-enabled site can flag/unflag any of that site's content for onboarding. They do not need Onboarding manager permissions to do this.


Onboarding managers who have viewing access to a site can flag any content from that site for onboarding. If the site is public, the content can be flagged as organization-level onboarding content.

Onboarding managers can also switch any organization-level onboarding content to site-level. Or, they can promote site-level onboarding content to organization-level, if the site is public.

Onboarding history 

A user who has permission to view moderation history for a piece of content can view its onboarding history, as well as who flagged it for onboarding, by going to the Onboarding history tab.



Onboarding path

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  1. New hires will receive a welcome email from Simpplr on their first day that will redirect them to the Simpplr home dashboard.
  2. On the home dashboard, new hires will be greeted with a welcome message. From there, they can kick-off the app tutorial tour (Quick-start tour).
  3. An Onboarding content screen is seen at the end of the Quick-start tour. This screen will be visible only if a user hasn’t seen it before AND the user is a new hire. Users can sort the order in which content is displayed by created date (oldest or newest first), publish date (oldest or newest first), or edited date (oldest or newest first).


From the onboarding content screen, you can:

  • View a reading list of all onboarding content, including two types:

    • Org-level: all org-level onboarding content, only from sites you can access.

    • Site-level: all site-level onboarding content from sites where you're a member of.

  • View the current status (read/unread) of each onboarding content in the list, and the status will automatically update each time you visit the list.

A piece of onboarding content will be considered read when the user opens it. Unlike must-reads, there is no manual acknowledgement required. 

Onboarding tile

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The Onboarding tile is a tile type that App managers and Site owners/managers can add to their home and site dashboards. This tile will be visible to all applicable new hires and contain relevant content that was flagged as Onboarding.


To add an Onboarding tile to a site or home dashboard:

  1. Click the Edit dashboard icon, then Add tile.
  2. Click the top button, Add pages, events & albums tiles
  3. Choose the Onboarding tab and title your tile. We recommend going with something like "Onboarding Content" just to make it clear. The tile will show all existing content that's been flagged as Onboarding. You can choose to show the content in Standard or Showcase layout.

Onboarding tiles will display content that has not been read yet by the user first. Once a piece of content is consumed, it will not display in the list anymore. The order of the list is the same as it appears in the Onboarding content menu.

Best practice for Onboarding tiles is to add them to the home dashboard, as well as any site that contains onboarding content. This makes it easy for site members to view and access the content. 


Onboarding tiles are visible to all site members, regardless of hire date. 

Access onboarding content

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The default locations where new hires can find and access onboarding content are:

  1. User menu > Onboarding > Onboarding content screen
  2. Home dashboard feed
  3. Site dashboard feed
  4. Site content tab
  5. Onboarding tile in home and site dashboards (if enabled by App manager and Site owner/manager)



30-day onboarding period 

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A new hire will have 30 days, from the date of joining, to read through the onboarding content available. After 30 days, the new hire will be considered a graduate, and:

  • Will receive an in-app notification congratulating them on completing the onboarding period.
  • The congratulatory message will be also displayed in the onboarding content page and the tile in the home dashboard, along with the message: All onboarding content has been moved to your favorites.
  • The Onboarding content section will be removed from both home and dashboard feeds.
  • The congratulatory message in the onboarding content page and home dashboard tile will be visible to the user for 30 days after the new hire window. Then the tile and Onboarding option will be auto-removed from their interface.


If the new hire has not completed all onboarding content within the first 30 days days, all the content goes into their Favorites list.

Onboarding digest email   

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New hires will receive a mandatory weekly digest email that includes all unread onboarding content, upcoming onboarding events, and must reads.




End user Onboarding experience

The End user/new hire experience when viewing onboarding material is pretty straight forward. In the example below, the Onboarding manager has added an Onboarding tile to the home dashboard. Tammy, our new hire, will see all content that has been flagged as onboarding, both org-wide and site-specific based on site's she's a member of.

Tammy is also able to click into her user menu and choose Onboarding to see the same page. Here they can search for specific content or filter by site, date added or read and unread.

It's important to note that onboarding content is not must read content. New hires are not required to show that they've read the information presented. The onboarding content will stay visible to them until they hit the 30-day mark.



How does onboarding content get sorted for new hires? 

Content is shown differently for new hires depending on their site membership. Org onboarding content is always shown at the top of the list, followed by specific-to-the-user site onboarding content. 

Can I flag content from private sites to be onboarding material?

Content from private sites can be flagged as onboarding, but cannot be added for users who are not members of the site. Only new hires who are members of the private site will be shown its onboarding content if flagged. 

Can I flag content for onboarding that I do not own?

Not unless you are an App manager. You must be the site owner/author of the content in order to flag it for onboarding. If the App manager is not the owner of the content or the site owner, they can still flag content for onboarding. 

What's the difference between org and site onboarding content? 

Org onboarding content shows for all new hires, and takes priority on the list of content for users to review. Site onboarding content is specific to a user based on their site membership. Therefore, not all new hires will see the same onboarding content.

How does Simpplr determine who is a new hire?

New hire users are configured based on their user syncing field 'Hire date'. If a user has a hire date of within the last 30 days, they'll be marked as a new hire. If the user in question does not have this syncing field filled out, or your org has not synced users with the Hire date field, you can always add a custom field for the new hires. Otherwise, without this field filed out, the onboarding content will not show for your new hires. 

How can I ensure new hires are completing their onboarding content review?

Currently there is no way for App or Site managers to review new hire onboarding completion rates, as this is not a task-based feature. To ensure a specific piece of content is read by users, we recommend making it a must read

How long is onboarding content shown to new hires?

Onboarding content will remain on the list of content to review for 30 days after the hire date. After that, the content is removed from the new hire's list and added to heir Featured list.

Can I opt out of this feature if I choose not to use it?

Yes. App managers can go into Manage > Application > Privileges and scroll down to Onboarding to allow users permission to flag content as onboarding or not. Disabling Onboarding ensures no one can flag content for new hires. It's also worth noting in this section you can allow onboarding content to be flagged from all sites or only certain sites that you choose. 

Is there a way to modify the Quick Start Tour text?

No. The Quick Start text shown to new hires cannot be modified.

Are there analytics available for Onboarding content?

Currently there is no way to view metrics for specific Onboarding content. However, we plan to roll this out in an upcoming release.


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