My team dashboard

Table of Contents


Health scores

Recommended actions

Moments that matter/Celebrations

Team statuses

Trending with your team

Tips for improving scores

Toggle My team on/off


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Note: The admin menu for My team has recently changed. Now, instead of going to the Privileges menu, you'll head to Manage > Application > Setup > My team.


My team allows people managers to see at-a-glance how their direct reports are engaging with the intranet based on the following metrics:

  • Logins
    • users logged into the intranet in the last 30 days
  • Viewed content
    • users viewed pages, albums or events in the last 30 days
  • Must reads
    • users have completed active must reads
  • Recognized
    • users have been recognized in the last 45 days (applicable to users with Recognition Suite add-on enabled). Note, managers will also receive a notification when their direct reports have been recognized
  • Profile completeness
    • users have filled out key fields in their profiles
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These metrics are then aggregated into the team health score and the direct report health scores, both of which are assigned a status for the manager’s review. 

To access the My team dashboard, go to your user menu, then My team


In order for the My team dashboard to work, the "manager" field must be accurately filled out in people data.

Health scores

Your team health score is determined by how your entire team scores across the five metrics. Click View health score for in-depth insights on where your team stands on each metric, and possible tips for improvement. Direct report health scores are also derived from the five primary metrics.
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Recommended actions

The recommended actions are displayed as a list on the dashboard. They are sorted by the impact rectifying those outstanding items will have on the overall health score. Each recommended action includes the:

  • Direct report's name
  • Outstanding item (e.g., completing a must read or "hasn't been recognized in X days")
  • Impact on the team health score
  • Explanation of why the outstanding item is important
  • Nudge button to facilitate the workflow


For outstanding items such as must reads, you can click Nudge to bring up an optional string of text to send to your team member via messaging or email. This will have a link in it that the user can click to take them directly to the task that needs completing. 

A nudge option will be surfaced for a direct report if they haven't completed their must reads, haven't seen content in 30 days or haven't logged into the platform in 30 days.

The Recognition nudge will appear for you if the employee has not been recognized in over 30 days. Please note this is only applicable to organizations who have purchased the Simpplr Recognition Suite add-on. Contact your CSM for more info. 

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People managers can also see which direct reports are celebrating certain individual achievements like work anniversaries and birthdays. People managers can congratulate and celebrate achievements with the team.

Team statuses

Both My team and direct report health scores have one of three statuses that reflect the team’s or direct report’s engagement on the intranet: 

  • Active
    • Engagement is high and no further action is needed 
  • Somewhat active
    • Opportunities to increase engagement are available
  • Inactive
    • Review your team’s engagement and take actions increase it

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For larger teams, you can filter according to specific status to see all team members with that status. 


Statuses are refreshed automatically every two hours. So if, for example, a user completes their profile after being "Inactive", the status will change to "Active" within two hours of the action.

Survey data

People managers will be able to see their team's survey results in the Surveys section. Note, if there are less than four (4) people on your team, survey results will not shown to protect user anonymity.
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Trending with your team

A user’s status will help the manager determine what needs to be done to increase their engagement with the intranet. The Trending with your team section recommends highly-viewed content to share with users for increased engagement.
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Tips for improving scores

  1. Review your My team score metrics and see where you have opportunities to better performance.
  2. Asking direct reports to complete must reads is a great way to increase your team health scores. Completing must reads increases logins, page views, and must read completion percentage.
  3. Asking direct reports to complete their profiles takes a few minutes and permanently increases your score.

Toggle My team on/off

Application managers can toggle My team on/off for their instance by going to Manage > Application > Setup > My team. Here, you can also enable the Teams dashboard, which opens up a new dashboard on the analytics menu for users to see My team analytics. Note, the feature cannot be on for some people managers while being off for others.
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