Add audiences with CSV files


Creating large audiences using pre-existing groups or lists can be done by uploading a CSV with user emails. Audiences created by CSV can also be edited or deleted. 

For general information on Audiences, click here.

Scroll to the bottom of this article for the CSV template we recommend using to build your audience.


This feature is available with the 24.02 release.

Create an audience

  1. As the App manager or user with correct permissions to add audiences, from the user profile menu, go to Manage > Audiences. Click Add audience.mceclip0.png
  2. Click Select by CSV file. You can either upload a CSV file with the list of all email IDs, or you can download the sample file to add all the emails.


    All emails must be written in all lowercase. Otherwise the CSV will be read the emails as invalid when being uploaded to Simpplr.
  3. To upload, enter a name for the audience and upload the CSV with list of emails. Once uploaded, click Add audience to create the audience. The user who created the audience will receive an email with audience details. Within a few minutes, updated/added user counts will begin populating the audience listing page.



Edit or delete an audience

  1. To edit an audience, select the audience in the audience listing page, open the dropdown, and click Edit.
  2. You can update the audience by uploading a new CSV or by downloading the existing file and re-uploading it after making changes.
  3. To delete an audience, click Delete in the dropdown.




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