Best Practice: Relaunching Your Employee Experience Platform

Sometimes your Simpplr platform loses momentum across your employee base. This can be for any number of reasons, but it doesn't mean it has to stay that way. Use the recommended best practices throughout this article to help relaunch your intranet and get that excitement back while you continue building a great employee experience platform! 

Recommended first steps

  • Launch a user survey. This helps you gage how your employees are currently feeling about the intranet. Use this feedback as a jumping off point, or to determine why engagement may be lower than usual. Make a copy of the linked article above and customize it to fit your org's needs
  • From survey results, highlight goals you want to achieve and address them within the system

Review your current system setup

  • Review your current your site architecture
  • Perform a site and content audit
    • This may mean removing outdated or invalid content and sites from the intranet. Are any PDF policies in need of updating? Maybe some office-based sites are no longer applicable while employees are working from home. Now's the time to do a deep dive of all sites and content across your platform
  • As you revisit your site architecture, establish a governance framework. “Who does what?” 
  • Review site memberships
    • Simpplr recommends making site membership automatic and mandatory
  • Verify your integrations setup
    • For file storage integrations, ensure you have permissions set the way you want them. What files do you want End users to have access to, and should users be allowed to upload new files as needed? 
    • Calendar integrations: Simpplr integrates with Outlook and Google Calendar. Make sure your users are getting the maximum visibility from shared calendars across your org

Think about updating your branding and/or values

Has your company recently undergone a makeover? Maybe there's new messaging or values from the Executive team. You can update your Simpplr environment to reflect this!

  • Have fun w/relaunching your system. Upgrade the branding/colors
  • Simpplr Lookbook 2022 (see attachment at the bottom of this article). This will give you some great ideas of cohesive branding that will create a welcoming environment for your users
  • Show off your company values

If your goal is to improve employee productivity & search, here are things to consider:

If your goal is to improve employee engagement, here are some items to consider:

  • Review notification settings: look at different ways to get content in front of your employees for their consumption
    • Check email notifications, SMS, mobile app or in-app notifications
    • Check Summaries & Digest notifications
  • Check feed settings
    • Enable feed posts and comments on your home dashboard and at the site level if not already done. This will help boost employee engagement by allowing users to comment directly on content, in sites and on the home feed

If your goal is to revisit foundational intranet suggestions, here are items to consider:

  • Build a site for all employee communications
  • Build a site for HR information including Benefits Center
  • Build an IT site for technical information and policies
  • Encourage more executive involvement
  • Leverage Simpplr's Ghostwriting feature to show executive names on content
  • Flag content for New Hire Onboarding
  • Create a New Hire Welcome Tile on homepage, or more engaging tiles like Celebrations, Social Campaigns or an RSS feed

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