Digest emails
Digest emails consist of:
- Feed posts from people you follow
- Feed posts from sites you follow or are a member of (including the sites you own and manage)
- Feed posts you have replied on
- Feed posts you have been @mentioned in
- Your own feed posts
All individual users can set their notification preferences for how often they want to receive the emails in the My settings > Notifications section.
The daily digest emails are automated by Simpplr, and contain up to 10 feed posts based on sites you follow or are a member of and people you follow. The weekly digest contains up to 20 feed posts, also under the same parameters.
The digest emails will only contain new or updated feed posts (received replies) from the previous day (for Daily) or week (Weekly), which is why they may not contain a full 10 or 20 posts.
Configure frequency
App managers can decide whether to enable these emails for the whole org, and if they are enabled, each user will then be ale to control which ones, if any, they would like to receive.
To set up emails as the App manager, head to Manage > Application > Setup > Email. Note that emails will be on by default with weekly emails scheduled, but you can disable them any time in this menu.
Users can choose to receive daily or weekly summaries of recent activity.
The scheduler for daily digest emails runs at 12:40 A.M. according to the time zone of the App manager who set up the scheduler. The scheduler for weekly digest runs at 12:40 A.M. on Monday.
If there are no updates during the day, the user will not receive the daily digest email.
You can set how often you'd like to receive the emails by going to your user profile and clicking My settings > Notifications > Summaries & digests. Here you can choose Never, Daily or Weekly. Once finished, scroll down and click Save.
Personalized content emails
You can also configure personalized content emails here. While similar to digest emails, these are not always going to contain the same content. Personalized content emails are tailored to the individual user based on content relevant to them.
Daily emails will display up to 10 pieces of content, and Weekly emails will display up to 20 pieces of content. If there are more than 10 daily/20 weekly, Simpplr will determine which content to display based on the popularity score.
How is email content determined?
The logic used to determine what content is sent in personalized emails is as follows:
- All content types (pages, events, albums, and blogs) are considered
- Only active content (published within the last 30 days or the 30 most recent published items) are considered
- Only content that is accessible to the specific user based on site membership is considered. In other words, users won't be sent content from sites they are not a member or follower of
- Only unseen content will be recommended. If the user has already seen the content, it will not be considered in the email
- Only content that has not already been recommended up to three times is considered. If the same content is recommend to the user three times, the following time, it will no longer be recommended
- For events content, recency is based on the number of days until the event's start date
- Up to two items from the following content types are always included when applicable:
- Must read items
- Carousel items
- Content from a site the user is a member of
- Content by authors who fit into the following list will always be included when relevant:
- The user follows
- Who are among senior management of up to rank 2 (CEO and their direct reports)
- The user's direct reports if applicable
- The user's peers (those who report to the same manager)
- The user's manager
Set up personalized content emails
To set up the personalized content email:
In addition, App mangers can choose to receive a monthly analytics report email, which will highlight some key usage analytics over the last month. The email will contain the same metrics that are always available in your main Analytics dashboard. Finally, choose to participate in Product research or not. If chosen, Simpplr will reach out semi-regularly for research purposes to help improve our product.
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