App Management: Apps & Links Setup

Use this walkthrough to set up navigation for your Simpplr app. To configure the settings described below, from your user profile image, go to Manage > Application > Apps & links.


Single Sign-on

The Apps launcher (found in the header navigation) offers quick access to your Single Sign-on apps including with Okta or OneLogin.

If you're using Okta or OneLogin, be sure to enter your integration credentials in Manage > Application > Integrations.


Custom JSON:

If you're not using Okta or OneLogin, you can select Custom JSON to add your company's most frequently used apps.

Use the JSON format below as the template. Simply change the name, URL, and image URL (the app logo URL) to the business applications that you want to display in the Apps launcher, then enter the code in the Custom JSON field.

# Custom JSON template
	"name": "Google Mail",
	"url": "",
	"img": ""
}, {
	"name": "Simpplr",
	"url": "",
	"img": ""
}, {
	"name": "Xero",
	"url": "",
	"img": ""




Custom links

Within the Apps launcher you can also add external or internal links in the Links tab. Enter the URL label (app name) and URL, click Add, then click Save at the bottom of the page.

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