Awareness Check


As part of the Employee Listening suite of products, Awareness Check is enabled on a piece of content, with up to 5 questions per quiz. This is an extension of the Must Read functionality on content. The user can answer the questions correctly to prove they have understood the core message of a piece of content. If they get a question wrong, then they will be shown the correct answer and need to manually select it to complete the awareness check. 

This is not a quiz designed to punish those who get the answers wrong; rather, its goal is to check how well the core message(s) of a piece of content are being understood by the audience. 

Using the reporting tool discussed below, content creators can gage the greater organization's understanding of content, and whether or not what is being shared is applicable and understood by the company. 



Any user who has permissions to make content must read has permission to create an Awareness Check.

Best practice is to not use this feature too frequently, as users may feel they're being tested every time they come to the platform. Use Awareness Check and its reporting capabilities to help you improve on content messaging going forward.



In the reporting view, you can see a breakdown of how many employees answered each question correctly. This helps our clients understand when employees have not understood a particular question. Once this problem has been identified, they can reach out with more training or content focused on that talking point. 


Best practice in terms of analyzing the reporting is to decide what percentage number equals success for your content. This can differ based on the content, your department or any number of factors, but setting up a benchmark for success will help you set realistic goals when it comes to using Awareness Check.

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