What is Must Read content?

Important content can be marked as must read, requiring users confirm that they have read it. Making content "must read" is an easy way to help ensure the message you're communicating is received by users. When you tag content must read, your users will receive a polite reminder email every Monday (or immediately if you choose) to help encourage them to read and acknowledge the content you made. 


Which content can be made must read?

Pages, albums or events from any public or private site.

Who can make content must read?

App managers can make any public site content, any content from private sites they are a member of. To enable must read ability for Site owners/managers, go to Manage > Application > Privileges, then Must reads. Type in which site(s) you want to enable must reads for, then scroll down and click Save.
AWS must reads.gif

The Site owner, Site managers and Content managers of each site that's been granted must read privileges can make content must read by clicking the ellipsis (...) icon and choosing Make 'must read'. A notification will be sent out to all site members and/or followers, depending on what you choose.


When you make a piece of content must read, you're also given the option to add an Awareness check (this is part of the Employee Listening suite, which is available as an add-on to your Simpplr environment). Check out the article linked above for more info, but essentially, an Awareness check acts as a quick quiz for users to ensure they've understood what's written or shown in your content. AWS Awareness check demo.gif

Who is required to read must read content?

  • App managers can make content from a public site must read for the entire organization (all employees) or only the members of that site.
  • Site owners/managers and Content managers can make content from sites they manage must read for members and/or followers of that site.

How can I see who's read my must read content?

You can monitor any must read content by who's read it and who hasn't. Clicking into the content in question, clicking the ellipsis (...) then Must read history will pull up the stats for who has and has not read the content. If you've enabled an Awareness check on the content, those results will be available here as well.
AWS must read history.gif


When a new employee joins your organization they will be required to confirm they have read all currently active must reads that apply to them. We recommend regularly checking active must reads to ensure they are still required.



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