Employee listening suite

Table of Contents


Survey sharing and reporting

How is Employee listening different than traditional survey/feedback tools?



Employee listening is designed specifically to measure how users feel about important announcements and corporate communications. Surveys are a paid add-on to your Simpplr environment. For information on adding Employee listening to your intranet, contact your CSM.

The suite contains several unique new features, including:

  • Sentiment check

    • Sentiment check allows employees to provide real-time, anonymous feedback on content they receive. Managers can give their teams a voice on information outside the traditional survey schedule. 

      With Sentiment check, teams can quickly correct course on the content messaging they send out as they receive feedback.

      Users will get an array of options to rate how they feel about any piece of content based on various scales:

      • Sentiment: Very negative to very positive
      • Agreement: Strongly disagree to strongly agree
      • Quality: Very poor to excellent
      • Frequency: Never to always
      • Emoji: sad face to happy face
      • Custom: Create your own 1 to 5 scale
  • Awareness check

    • Awareness check is enabled on a piece of content, with up to 5 questions per quiz. This is an extension of the Must read functionality on content. Users can answer the questions correctly to prove they have understood the core message of a piece of content. If they get a question wrong, then they will be shown the correct answer and need to manually select it to complete the awareness check. 

      This is not a quiz designed to punish those who get the answers wrong; rather, its goal is to check how well the core message(s) of a piece of content are being understood by the audience. 

      A piece of content must be made Must read in order to have the Awareness check option enabled.

  • Pulse surveys

    • A Pulse survey allows for a set of brief questions to be sent out to users at repeated intervals. Users can answer questions on a five-point Likert scale (the default scale label is Strongly disagree - Strongly agree). When creating a survey, you can choose from a selection of labels as well as customizing your own. Each question gives the opportunity for optional free text feedback. 

      Use Pulse surveys to measure the impact of changes your org makes and respond as employee sentiment deviates from previous benchmarks.

  • All-purpose surveys

    • The All-purpose survey is a versatile survey that can be used to gather one-time feedback on any topic, such as travel habits, office days, or swag sizes. It facilitates two-way communication and immediate data collection. The All-purpose survey can also function as an engagement survey. Unlike Pulse survey, it has three question types; Likert scale questions, multiple choice and free text. 

      Users can participate in all surveys on mobile via the side navigation.

  • Employee engagement surveys

    • Employee engagement surveys give a baseline measure of employee satisfaction and will provide actionable insights into improving employee experience. They are large, comprehensive, anonymous surveys meant to be conducted on an annual basis. 

      Unlike Pulse or All-purpose surveys, engagement surveys are meant to be sent out on an infrequent basis, and contain a large question set to gain a better understanding of employee sentiment and satisfaction throughout the year. 

  • AI Perception dashboard

    • The Perception dashboard is an AI-powered, passive listening component of the Employee listening product, and will include sentiment and emotion analysis on posts, comments and replies, as well as top themes for each organization and their respective sentiments.

      Organizations rarely get consistent employee feedback on initiatives, policy changes or overall day-to-day goings-on unless they explicitly solicit it via survey, interviews etc., which themselves can be fraught with issues. When they do get this large scale feedback, they often lack the resources to sift through all of it and come to any conclusions about how employees are feeling at that particular moment, or can miss some key insights in the process. 

      The Perception Dashboard allows companies and their leaders to consistently and accurately assess the themes, emotions and sentiments on their intranets, especially as it pertains to company culture, policy and employee wellbeing.


Prior to sending surveys or adding sentiment checks to content, ensure you've whitelisted the URL  https://cdn.listenersuite-production.simpplr.xyz/ in your browser. Otherwise you may not see the option to add surveys or sentiment checks.


Survey sharing and reporting

As of the 24.03 release, surveys and survey reports can be shared with team members in a number of ways. Survey links can be shared through your messaging app integration like Slack or Microsoft Teams.

In addition, Survey managers can choose whether to show a full access report with all filters or a pre-filtered view with limited filters. They can also choose whether to include survey comments.

Survey URL sharing

Survey managers and App managers can share a survey participation URL directly to a Slack or Microsoft Teams channel. When a Pulse, All-purpose or Engagement survey is sent out and in an active state, the survey creator will see an option to distribute via the messaging app.
share survey on slack.jpg

This allows surveys to be distributed across multiple channels and to meet employees where they are, and adds to the email and in-app prompts that are already sent out automatically for surveys. 

Reporting sharing

Customized reports can also be created with the appropriate level of information for stakeholders. For example, the Head of the Finance department at GoodCo. can receive a report focused solely on the Finance team's survey results. What's more, these reports come with pre-applied filters to ensure the information presented is directly relevant to the recipient. For instance, while the Finance department head will have the flexibility to further refine the report by location or by team manager, they will not be inundated with extraneous data irrelevant to them.They will still be able to filter by location or team manager filters, but will not be shown unsuitable information outside their department. Shared views will still protect the anonymity of survey participants and the comments section can be hidden as appropriate for the team member that the reporting is shared with.
share reporting view Employee listening .jpg


How is Employee listening different than traditional feedback tools? 

Employee listening

Traditional EX survey tools



Continuous (always on)

Point-in-time (pulse only)

Contextual alignment (cause and effect)

Isolated (effect with unclear cause)



Unbiased (in the moment, true emotion) 

Biased (based on how someone is feeling in general, at the time of answering the survey)

Broad (not guided only by questions - unearthing what’s below the surface)

Limited (based only on questions asked - more superficial, getting at what’s above the surface)

Active and passive

Active only

Integrated user experience 

Isolated user experience 


Usually administered, limited automation

Broader EX community of users, e.g., Comms, HR, DEX, Manager  

Usually HR administered with limited manager-specific delivery 

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