Employee listening: Pulse surveys

This feature is part of the paid add-on, Employee Listening. Contact your CSM for more information. 


Prior to sending surveys or adding sentiment checks to content, ensure you've whitelisted https://cdn.listenersuite-production.simpplr.xyz/ in your browser. Otherwise you may not see the option to add surveys or sentiment checks.


A Pulse survey allows for a set of questions to be sent out to users at repeated intervals. Users can answer questions on a five-point Likert scale (the default scale label is strongly disagree - strongly agree). When creating a survey, you can choose from a selection of labels as well as customizing your own. Each question gives the opportunity for optional free text feedback.

Participate in a survey

When a survey is sent out for your participation, you’ll receive an email asking you to take part. When you open Simpplr, click on the Survey notification in your Simpplr app.

You'll be taken to the Surveys page. View all your open surveys and click Take part to participate in a survey. You can also go to your User menu, then Surveys, which will take you to a list of all your open surveys.



 User participation view for Pulse survey

Survey management and creation

App managers and those with the survey permission (Manage > Application > Employee Listening) can create pulse surveys. You can create surveys using questions from the Simpplr question bank, or creating your own custom questions and themes.

Questions and themes

Create custom questions for your surveys and group them for reporting in Manage questions and themes. Custom questions can be added by clicking Add > Question. Themes are how you group and categorize your surveys for analytics, aggregating similar questions so that trends for key topics can be easily tracked and identified. Add a new theme by clicking Add > Theme.

You're able to edit your custom questions at any time (even during an active survey) by navigating to the same menu and clicking Edit on the ellipsis.


Create a survey

To create a survey, go to User menu > Manage surveys. This will take you to the survey listing. Here you can select the Create Survey option. If you'd like to create your own question(s) for the survey, you have two entry points. You can also choose to add questions as you are creating the survey by selecting the Create your own option. Alternatively select the Manage questions and themes, then:

  1. Click Add > Question.

  2. Under survey type, Pulse surveys can only use Scale.

  3. Enter a question in the Question field.

  4. Choose an Answer scale. If you'd like to create your own, click Custom and enter the values of your custom scale.
  5. Select a theme for your survey. Themes can be created in Manage questions and themes


Create your own question 

  1. Click Create your own.
  2. Enter a question name and select an answer scale.
  3. Select a question theme. Click Next.

Survey analytics

The main Survey menu has an overview dashboard of all scheduled, active and past surveys with a snippet of their metrics. You can filter by survey type, status or date sent.

To view the metrics of a specific survey, click the name of the survey in question. Here you'll see a dashboard with the stats from all surveys sent in the time frame set. There are two tabs; Themes and Questions

The Themes tab will highlight user sentiment from the survey(s) as well as participation from the audience. You're able to download a CSV file of all participation rate for better reporting. 

The Questions tab will give specific data on each question that was included in the survey. At the bottom of this page, you can download a CSV file of all feedback left by your participants (if applicable). Note this feedback is anonymous.



Clicking on a theme takes you to the theme analytics screen.

Selecting the theme will lead to the individual theme reporting page. On this page you can see:

  • A line graph for the aggregated scores for each question within the theme, as they were asked for each instance of the survey
  • A score heatmap showing the distribution of responses by employees across departments and locations
  • A list of questions within the theme. Selecting the chart icon on a question will take you to the individual question reporting for this theme
  • All open free text feedback that has been left by employees

All reporting can be filtered by department, location and team manager.


Alternatively, if you select the Question toggle and then click on the chart icon on a Question, it will take you to the question analytics screen for that particular question.

Selecting the chart icon will lead to the individual question reporting page. On this page you can see:

  • A line graph for the average scores each time the question was asked for that survey
  • A scale bar showing the distribution of answers for the selected instance of the survey
  • A score heatmap showing the distribution of responses by employees across departments and locations
  • All open free text feedback that has been left by employees

All reporting can be filtered by department, location, and team manager.


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